Category: News

Clutch ‘N Tote Launches New Sustainable Fashion Brand This August 2024

July 18, 2024 – In today's world, every action leaves an environmental impact. Maida White, the visionary founder of Clutch 'N Tote, is leading a change in sustainable fashion. With a background in mechanical and environmental engineering, Maida's journey is fueled by a deep-seated passion to safeguard our planet and forge a brighter future. A…

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Driveway Paving News

Asphalt Paving Scams Be aware of the scammers in the asphalt paving industry. There are many people out there who will pose as a professional asphalt paving company or a contractor who is out of work. These scammers will offer you an extremely cheap quote, do a shoddy job, and then take partial payment. Asphalt…

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